Jesus is our king.

Christ is King.
When countries legalize same sex marriage and abortion they reject the
kingship of Christ. When leaders see their position as an opportunity
to enrich themselves they dethrone Christ and enthrone money. When
there is injustice in the land, it is not Christ reigning but greed
for he is a just God.
He is the king of our lives, of our country of our family and of our
universe. Acknowledge his kingship and give him the number one
position in your life. Christ Jesus is a loving king whose greatest
joy is to see his people happy.
Any leader who does not use his position to better the lives of his
people should get ready to be removed. God removed Saul and annointed
David as king he can still remove any present leader who doesn't
follow his instructions.
Christ is king but we through sin reject him. And anyone who rejects
Christ rejects life. Shun bribery and corruption, cheating, lying,
jealousy and all forms of sexual immorality. Amen.
Remain blessed
Sunday Sermon for the Soul (SSS)
