The importance of Networking

Networking is Very Important.
In web designing and development there is something called "developers
forum". This a platform for all developers to come together and share
ideas. We have google developers forum, apple, facebook developers
forum and the likes.
Networking is a supportive system of sharing information and services
among individuals and groups having a common interest.
As an entrepreneur you need to network with your fellow entrepreneurs.
This is very important for the progress of your business or work.
Staying Current: in a world that is ever changing, you need to be
up-to-date with the latest development. Networking gives you this.
Sharing Ideas and Experiences: Here you will meet people that are well
experienced in your field. You will learn a lot from them.
Problem Solving: When you have a problem you can easily find the
solution in the community.
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My Money Making Monday (MMM)
