Enter Through The Narrow Way.

Strive to Enter through the Narrow Way (LUKE 13:24).
The narrow way is the way of holiness and righteousness, it is the way of purity, the way of honesty. It is the way of the cross. It is the way of the Lord. 
While the broad way is the way of sin. The way of pornography, of drunkeness, of fornication, of adultery, of stealing, of cheating, of killing, of bribery, of corruption, of all forms of dishonesty. It is the way of satan. 
The narrow way is the way to eternal happiness with God. If you have all the money in the world and miss this way, my dear you have failed. If you have all the fame and honour and acquires the highest human position but you missed the way, you have worked for nothing, for all is vanity upon vanity.
Remember satan does not want you to follow this way, he wants you to follow his way. He is constantly sending obstacles in the form of temptations to pull you down. Don't allow him to ruin your destiny, fight for your life. It's a warfare between good and evil.
Strive to enter through the narrow way for the broad and easy way is the way of perdition. May God help all of us to win this battle in Jesus name. Amen
Remain blessed.
Sunday Sermon for the Soul (SSS).
