CHOOSE TO BE PURE, Take up the chastity challenge!

Take up the chastity challenge!
Someone must go against the existing beliefs, someone must stand up
and choose to be different. Someone must channel the society to the
right path.
We need someone like you!
We need men and women who would choose chastity. We need men and women
of purity. Men and women who have chosen sexual purity. And I am
looking up to you, yes you. Tell me, tell us, tell the society it's
possible to be chaste.
We need a leader, lead us by your exemplary life. Be an ambassador of
sexual purity, yes you can do it, I am confident you can, I too
believe I can.
We need men and women who would chose to remain virgins till marriage.
We need boys and girls who would shun masturbation. We need men who
would never lust after women's body. We need women who would never
dress provocatively or to arouse sexual interest in men. We need women
of decent and modest dressing.
We need you, choose to be pure. Make this choice today. Go against
peer pressure.
You can do it!
