Sometime in the past I had an accident which helped me to fully appreciate the angels. How I was saved in that incident was indeed the work of my Angel Guardian . He carried me to safety and made sure I sustained no injury external or internal. The experience was awesome as I felt someone invisible carrying me, it was as if I was in a trance but no It was real.
There are many other personal encounters I have had in the past with God's messengers acting on His behalf. I want you to know that right there where you are reading this your angel is beside you. He has been commissioned to guide, guard, lead and protect you.
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb1:14)
Your angel is there to comfort you in times of pain, remember what he did for Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane.
"Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him."(Luke 22:43)
Are you going for an interview or for an exam and you are afraid, you need not be. Your angel is with you right there where you are sitting before the interviewers. Because the Lord knows you are going for an important event in your life, He has commissioned his angel to see you through. Just as he commissioned his Angel to see the Israelites through in their journey to the promised land.
"I am going to send an angel before you to protect you as you journey and to bring you into the place that I have prepared.(Ex 23:20)"
Therefore dear child of God be strong and courageous wherever you find yourself (on the road journeying, on a lonely path, in the exam hall, in your room etc) for you are not alone, your angel is with you. Call upon your angel to always to assist you.
But take heed that you do not displease any one of these angels by sinning against the Holy one who sent them. They will abandon you.
Remain Blessed!
"Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen.
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